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Indian Creek School is an independent, co-educational, college preparatory day school for students age 3 through grade 12, located on a 114-acre campus in Crownsville, Maryland. Students are known as individuals and experience an outstanding education as members of a diverse and inclusive community.
Welcome to Indian Creek School! We look forward to engaging with your family and we can't wait to share our community with you. Our team is here to guide you through every step of the admission process.
In addition to providing physical fitness and the experience of being part of a team, Indian Creek athletic opportunities develop and reinforce character-based qualities such as sportsmanship, integrity, commitment, and motivation.
At Indian Creek School, creativity and confidence are nurtured through an extensive fine and performing arts program that is integrated into the fabric of student life.
Every aspect of the student experience at Indian Creek School is intentionally created to provide a rich environment for students to develop creative, social, and personal skills while exploring their interests.
The tradition of generous support from the Indian Creek School community greatly enhances the program and resources available to students. Contributions to the ICS Annual Fund provide critical budget support and a strong measure of the engagement and support of the School community.
Indian Creek School is an independent, co-educational, college preparatory day school for students age 3 through grade 12, located on a 114-acre campus in Crownsville, Maryland. Students are known as individuals and experience an outstanding education as members of a diverse and inclusive community.
Welcome to Indian Creek School! We look forward to engaging with your family and we can't wait to share our community with you. Our team is here to guide you through every step of the admission process.
In addition to providing physical fitness and the experience of being part of a team, Indian Creek athletic opportunities develop and reinforce character-based qualities such as sportsmanship, integrity, commitment, and motivation.
At Indian Creek School, creativity and confidence are nurtured through an extensive fine and performing arts program that is integrated into the fabric of student life.
Every aspect of the student experience at Indian Creek School is intentionally created to provide a rich environment for students to develop creative, social, and personal skills while exploring their interests.
The tradition of generous support from the Indian Creek School community greatly enhances the program and resources available to students. Contributions to the ICS Annual Fund provide critical budget support and a strong measure of the engagement and support of the School community.
Indian Creek is the premier independent school in the Annapolis area where KINDNESS is currency, WELL-BEING is priority, and EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION is relentlessly pursued.
Congratulations to the Eagles Varsity Boys Swim team, for capping off a great season with a sixth place finish at MIAA B-Conference Championships last Wednesday.
The Varsity Girls swim team excelled at the IAAM Championships, Monday, finishing fourth overall and logging several stellar individual podium appearances!
"You are part of the future he dreamed of, and your actions, your compassion, and your knowledge will continue to make the world a more just and kind place."
The Parent Education Comedy Talk with Lenore Skenazy was entertaining, enlightening, and gave every parent in attendance - regardless of parenting style - something to reflect on.
“I will in my life, to the best of my ability through my talents in art, help to create a more beautiful world for myself, for humankind, and for all living things.”
This demonstration of fall learning gave sixth through eighth grade students the opportunity to share their high-level work from the first quarter as they sought to answer driving questions in front of their teachers, peers, and parents.
Indian Creek School is pleased to announce the hiring of Varsity Girls Lacrosse Program Director and Assistant Director of Admissions Jessica Wilkinson. Coach Wilkinson comes to Indian Creek after a 13-year career as Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach at Division I Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY.
On Friday, October 10, the Indian Creek School faculty and staff held a Professional Learning Day to continue their relentless pursuit of excellence through a day of connection and conversation.
On Saturday September 21, Indian Creek alumni reunited campus to enjoy a friendly soccer match prior to the Varsity and JV Boys Soccer games against Old Mill High School.
Hunter joined ICS all the way back in 4th grade! He has been busy during his time at ICS participating in musicals (PROM and Shrek), Varsity Soccer, Varsity Swim, Varsity Lacrosse, Key Club, Aviation Club, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta. Outside of school he also plays club lacrosse and does summer work as a roofer and running a cotton candy business!
Kyle joined ICS for his freshman year of High School. He jumped right into being a huge part of the community and athletics. Kyle plays varsity basketball and is a member of both the track and cross-country teams in addition to being the newest Vice President of the Black Student Alliance.
Campbell has been an Indian Creek student since PK3. A dancer, actor, artist, and scholar, she is a member of the ICS Varsity Soccer and Dance teams, is SGA Vice President for the Arts, Tri-M (President), Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish, National Art, and National Honor Societies. She is a member of the EMPOWER Executive Board, the Community Expectations Committee, Solo Choir, Chorus, and has appeared regularly as the school mascot. She has been a member of every ICS theatrical production in Middle & Upper Schools. She works with Early Childhood students in the ICS aftercare program, and is also completing a Voros Senior Thesis in the Humanities. Outside of school, Campbell is a Kennedy Center Master Series dancer and dances with The Dance Collective.
Maia has been at ICS since 2021. She is an avid equestrian and rides for the ICS team and outside of school. Her favorite thing about ICS “is how understanding the staff are. The staff members are really helpful when it comes to balancing schoolwork and personal problems. They would always try to listen to you and help you the best way they can.”
Mya started at ICS in 3rd grade and will graduate as a member of the class of 2024. She is a goalie for the Varsity Soccer team, manager of the Girls Varsity Basketball team, a member of Zeta Phi Beta youth program and was chosen by teachers and peers to attend the IAAM leadership conference.
Irene joined ICS in the fall of 2018 as a 6th grader. She loves the connections that she has made with some of her teachers and they have really influenced her in lots of different ways. Irene considers herself to be a "humanities kid" and she really enjoys writing-intensive classes. She also enjoys singing in the chorus, swimming, track, sailing, and being involved in the musical. Outside of school, Irene also studies Korean.
Elia joined ICS for the 2020 school year as a freshman. She is a varsity athlete who starts as a goalie for the champion lacrosse team and guard for the champion basketball team. Elia is also the secretary of the One Love club, on the executive committee for EMPOWER, and a member of the National Honor Society and Eagles with a Purpose. Outside of school, she plays club lacrosse for Integrity and volunteers at the Anne Arundel Medical Center.
Maddie joined ICS for her freshman year in 2020 and is a big part of our performing arts community. Maddie was a student director for 2022’s “Brainstorm” and is also involved in the Empower executive committee, Key Club secretary, Vice president and co-founder of the robotics club, National Honors Society, Tri-M music honors society, Mu Alpha Theta math honors society, chorus, band, solo choir, tennis team, swim team, fall play, spring musical, mock trial, student tutor, STEM, and cross country.
Arnia joined ICS as a freshman in 2020. She is the co-founder and current president of the Robotics Club, the treasurer of Key Club, a member of Mu Alpha Theta, and tutor an 8th grade student. Arnia is also a member of the National Honor Society and EMPOWER as well as a member of the STEM Program the organizer of the annual STEM Expo for lower school and middle school students. She is also a member of the Varsity Soccer team and the Track & Field team.
Ty is a member of the ICS class of 2024 and has been at the creek since 2020. He plays varsity soccer and lacrosse and participates in the theater productions as well. “I’m also the newly elected vice president of both OneLove and Key Club.” Ty also plays club lacrosse for the Annapolis Hawks.
A member of the Class of 2025, Kat joined ICS in 5th grade during the 2017-18 school year. She is an artist and an athlete, participating in Track and in theater productions as well as a brown belt in karate. Kat considers being cast in the play “Puffs”, as “only a 9th grader”, her biggest achievement in her time at ICS.
Maisie joined the ICS community, and the class of ’25, in the fall of 2021. She is an accomplished athlete and student whose favorite subjects include Algebra and Spanish and her favorite sport is soccer. She is also a founding member of the student newspaper and a member of multiple clubs.
Joelle joined the Creek in the fall of 2020 as an avid golfer and an A student and is continuing to excel at both as a Creeker. “I think my biggest personal achievement at ICS is getting all A+ on my first semester at Indian Creek”, she says before adding, “My goal is to go to college on a scholarship.” Joelle has been golfing for over 8 years and has a 2 handicap on the AJGA amateur golf circuit. In addition to her academic and athletic achievements Joelle, along with 3 other freshmen, created a student run newspaper called The Creek Chronicle.
Corinne Woodson ’14 knew early on that she wanted to become a veterinarian, and she actually tributes Indian Creek School (ICS) for instilling in her a passion for the veterinary sciences. In fact, it was Ms. Lara Tukarski’s science class that had the most impact on her, giving Corinne her earliest love for the life sciences, biological systems, and animals. “I used to help [Ms. Tukarski] take care of the chinchillas in her classroom in middle school, and I was part of her "Double-helix" Club for biology lovers. My biology classes and labs in both middle and upper school played a major role in [my] making this career choice. ICS also gave me a great level of discipline in regards to my studies, which comes in handy with all of the material I am getting in vet school.”
Instrumental Music teacher Paula Sweterlitsch describes her role as “guiding students while their inspiration leads the way.” However, there is so much more to the magic she creates with her students.
At Indian Creek, Ms. Sweterlitsch teaches instrumental music to students in grades 3-12, leading strings classes, brass ensembles, concert band, and a variety of student-driven spin-off groups, including a jazz/blues ensemble, pep band, and even a Dave-Matthews-Band-inspired acoustic group.
Ms. Sweterlitsch loves teaching at ICS because the arts are inherent in the fabric of the community.
During his years at Indian Creek School (ICS), Sunny Chhatani ’14 learned how to work independently, actively sought to gain knowledge, and always challenged himself to learn more. “ICS set me up for a successful career in college, both academically and athletically.”
Since graduating from Saint Mary’s College of Maryland (where he was a four-year starter on the Seahawks Men’s Soccer Team) with an economics degree, Sunny has been working as a financial analyst at Towne Park and serving as the Chief of Staff at Nela, an artisanal organic Panela sugar company from Colombia.
Indian Creek school is a co-educational, college preparatory independent school, located in Crownsville, Maryland. Students in Pre-K3 through grade 12 receive a vibrant educational experience based on excellent academics steeped in strong student-teacher connections.