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NYT Best Selling Author Lenore Skenazy Encourages Creek Parents to "Let Grow"

ICS parents, from PK through grade 12, braved the January cold to attend an entertaining and enlightening Parent Education Comedy Show with author of the New York Times best-selling book Free Range Kids, Lenore Skenazy on Wednesday, January 8.

This conversation with "America's Worst mother" had the audience of over 50 Creek parents laughing, talking, and reflecting about today's parenting culture and it's impact on our children. Throughout her remarks, Ms. Skenazy shared her experience letting her 9-year-old son ride the New York City subway on his own (in a guided, secure environment) and the public reaction to her story. She shared how this feedback - both negative and positive - inspired her to closely examine the well-intentioned protections that parents provide children and young adults today. 

Ms. Skenazy shared her thoughts on some possible factors that have led to America's hyper-protective parenting state: the emergence of the 24-hour news cycle, a push for ratings, likes, and views, and the lure of capitalism. In an especially poignant part of the event, she asked the ICS parents to share and discuss some things that they loved doing when they were children that their kids aren't allowed to do today. The answers, including riding bikes alone around the neighborhood, cooking, and sleeping over at friends' houses prompted reflection and even some tears. Ms. Skenazy asked the parents if they have any scars...and then asked if they were proud of their scars to prove the point that even a mishap can lead to a lesson and a good story. The Indian Creek group came to the conclusion that parents today need to be kinder to each other and less judgmental about the choices of others. The group shared a common appreciation for having a school community rooted in kindness and well-being to raise our children. 

Ms. Skenazy reinforced this message to the parents, telling them that they are lucky to have their children at Indian Creek School. While she did poke some fun at the highly-structured carline system at ICS, she lauded the opportunities for movement and play, outdoor time, project based learning curriculum, and aftercare program, saying, "There are not many schools like this. I speak at a lot of schools and this is unique and special."  

To conclude her presentation at ICS, Ms. Skenazy challenged the parents and the school administrators in attendance to encourage students to participate in The Let Grow Project. This project is a simple homework assignment that can be transformative: “Go home and do something new, on your own. Climb a tree, run an errand, make a meal… ”  She shared with the audience that the choices for this project are endless and the impact is immediate. 

The Parent Education Comedy Talk with Lenore Skenazy was entertaining, enlightening, and gave every parent in attendance - regardless of parenting style - something to reflect on.
Indian Creek school is a co-educational, college preparatory independent school, located in Crownsville, Maryland.  Students in Pre-K3 through grade 12 receive a vibrant educational experience based on excellent academics steeped in strong student-teacher connections.